This page shows all open Modification Proposals. For more information on a specific proposal, click on its title to see its full report.

For closed (approved or rejected) proposals, see Scheme Modifications. For consultations on potential or open modifications see here.

Heat Trust raised the following Modification Proposals in 2022, after a series of stakeholder Roundtable discussions. They aimed to change the Guaranteed Service Payments (GSPs) that Registered Participants are required make to consumers if they fail to meet Scheme standards around supply Interruptions. You can find a copy of the consultation on these proposals here. The modifications are currently on hold, while Heat Trust discusses with Ofgem how best to align with future regulation in this area.

  • MOD023: Communications during interruptions

  • MOD024: Claiming Guaranteed Service Payments

  • MOD025: Review and update contingency plans

  • MOD026: Incremental penalty Guaranteed Service Payments

  • MOD027: New cumulative duration Guaranteed Service Payment

  • MOD028: Alternative heating to customers in vulnerable situations

Heat Trust raised the following Modification Proposals in 2021, which also relate to GSPs. They were later superseded by the raising of MOD023-028 above. As with the other GSP proposals, these modifications are currently on hold while Heat Trust discusses with Ofgem how best to align with future regulation.

  • MOD015: Guaranteed Service Payment timescales

  • MOD016: Claiming Guaranteed Service Payments

  • MOD018: Additional Guaranteed Service Payment to align with Ofgem 

Heat Trust raised and consulted on the following Modification Proposal in 2021. After later discussion by Heat Trust's Committee and Board in 2022, the Committee asked Heat Trust to reconsult on an amended proposal about security deposits. This is currently on hold while Heat Trust seeks clarity from Ofgem on its intended future regulation in this area.

  • MOD019: Transparency on billing