Today Heat Trust welcomes Switch2 Energy Limited and its Grafton Square heat network in to membership, extending independent customer protection to 45 heat networks and 27,500 customers.
Bindi Patel, Head of Scheme at Heat Trust said:
“We are delighted that Switch2 Energy Limited has chosen to register its ESCO sites with Heat Trust.
By registering with Heat Trust, Switch2 Energy Limited joins a growing number of ESCO providers that recognise the importance of customer protection and sector-wide standards to provide assurance to customers on the quality of service they can expect from their Heat Supplier.”
Fiona MacDonald, Head of Customer Service at Switch-2 said:
“Switch2 Energy Limited is delighted to be registering our ESCO sites with the Heat Trust. We are a strong supporter of all aspects of the Heat Trust and what it stands for; introducing standards of service to the industry and giving customers a higher degree of protection. As a customer focused organisation, we welcome this as an opportunity to continuously strive to improve our service and introduce new initiatives to enhance all aspects of our customer service.”